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Showing posts from January, 2009

நான் கற்றுக்கொண்ட பாடம்..

எதிர்பார்ப்புகள்.. அதிகமானால் எதிர்மறைகளும்.. அதிகமாகும்.. எதிர்பார்புகளை.. குறைத்துக்கொண்டு... எதிர்மறைகளை... எதிர்கொள் !!!! -அசோக்.ரா

how is it to be in a battle...

how is it to be in a 'battle' January 7th 1959, Large throngs of people gather to cheer the victory march of Fidel and Che on the 'streets' of Havana , capital of Cuba commemorating the victory of their great "REVOLUTION".. the same day after 50 years..the 53000 employees of a numero 4 SW Giant of India shocked from the "REVELATION" of their ex-boss about the balance sheet.. the 'streets' of BSE and the NSE seemed so narrow for the investors...with questions against India Inc's survival of the fittest.. the two events making different effects though... One against a capitalist regime which paved way for the success of socialism and the other a clear struggle of an one man army against growing globalization pressures the 'truth' ....yet to be unfolded.... How does it feel as an employee of the great organization,which was on the media months ago for its excellence in service and governance and now bei...

The Awarrrrrrrd goes to...

Breaking SWEN This year's best 'EDITING and SENSATIONAL' award goes to 'OLD DELHI TV' aka ODTV... the second place goes to 'SEMIT WOW' aka SW.. the race for the title was very narrow..we had difficulties in choosing the number one 'SWEN' channel... Juries say... SW channel lost the not providing enough sensational "SWEN"... [sources] the audience felt 'ODTV'..has good sentiment and editing was faster...the special effects and the backgrounhd score of the 'TRUTH NEVER DIES' Saga has inspired lots of people and it had great effect on the people. [sources] The TRP ratings were higher for the past one week n what else u want for a good 'SWEN CHANNEL'..argues an analyst..[sources] we have not yet got true pictures or official announcement but 'SOURCES' [i dont know what kind of sources they are] confirmd they were true... And we have special correspondent arranged to catch hold of the ODTV CEO to get his ...